Helping you make space for more!

About Me

Hey there! I’m so glad you’ve found your way here. If you're anything like me, writing or talking about yourself can feel pretty uncomfortable, right? Even though I teach others about embracing self-love and appreciation, it still feels weird to shine the spotlight on myself. Yet, here goes.

Beyond my formal college education, five coaching certifications, and every self-improvement course I could get my hands on, life has been my greatest teacher. Sure, I've lived a privileged life by many standards, but I’ve also faced challenges. Growing up in a big family and attending a private Catholic school, I often felt like I had to people-please and diminish my value. I experienced isolation and a sense of not belonging, despite being surrounded by many.

I’ve had periods where I turned to alcohol to cope, navigated the end of a 15-year marriage (23 years in total), and dealt with job losses—both voluntary and involuntary. I’ve faced sexual harassment, wage discrimination, and inequities in workload, both professionally and personally. I grieved the loss of my mother but was fortunate enough to heal some of our wounds before she passed. Surviving a life-threatening ruptured brain aneurysm was a wake-up call that I mattered and needed to make more space for myself in life, though it took years to embrace that lesson fully. In other words, I have a million stories, life lessons, and insights gained, and sharing with others helps them feel less lonely, isolated, and different or flawed.

For over 15 years, I've had the privilege of coaching incredible women (and a few men) into the richest, most meaningful versions of themselves. This is my calling—when I’m coaching, I feel a vibrant energy coursing through me, affirming that this is exactly what I’m meant to do. My clients’ gratitude and validation only reinforce this.

I was honored to be a regular guest speaker at Canyon Ranch Resort and Spa for 12 years, where I met many amazing, soulful people. Over that time, I presented around 350 interactive workshops, helping thousands cultivate lives of meaning, purpose, and joy. Many people encouraged me to aim for bigger stages, but I always felt content on the small stage. However, the Universe had other plans, and my journey took a new direction this year. It didn’t take long to realize that I was meant for more. And you probably are too.

I stand for women living extraordinary lives, doing what they’re meant to do—not what others expect them to do. Your unique expression will be lost forever if you don’t live your authentic calling. I am here to live out mine and guide you to expand into yours. Let's embark on this journey together.



Ready to explore your more?

3 ways we can work together:

Inspire Your Audience

Want to inspire your audience, team or leadership group and create a ripple effect of new perspectives and positive outlooks? Check Sheila’s Speaker availability.

“Thank you for such a wonderful and inspirational presentation. Everyone is buzzing about it.

5 days later and they are still buzzing…”

Make Space For More

Perhaps you are looking for 1:1 Coaching so you can design a life of your choosing with more clarity and confidence.

100% of the time, I feel better, smarter and happier after my coaching sessions with Sheila. She’s my secret weapon for creating more meaningful relationships at work and home.”

Create A Retreat

Want to create a special event with life-changing breakthroughs? I can help you design and facilitate a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

“I am looking at everything differently. I feel calmer, and the anger and resentment are gone. I feel like I shed years of exhausting mental energy that had been holding me back, and I can now be focused on creating exactly the life I want!”

Give Back

Some fun facts about women, money, and impact.

Studies show that women are better stewards of money than men. Forbes Magazine, March 5, 2024

Across nearly all income levels women are more likely to give, and on average give more, up to twice as much.

Just as poor people give a greater proportion of their income to charity than rich people—presumably because they know how it feels to be on the needing side of the give-and-need equation—so women may give more generously because we know what it’s like to be dependent.

“When we look at a society where women have more of the power and more of the money, we're looking at a more inclusive and equitable society,” says Tori Dunlap, founder of Her First $100K and author of Financial Feminist

Some studies find that women in general tend to be more altruistic than men. For example, one study found the feel-good hormone dopamine increased in women’s brains when sharing reward money, while it increased for men when keeping the reward money for themselves.

Investing for impact is rated a top-five money priority for women across generations who receive a financial windfall, according to The Ellevest Women and Wealth Survey 2024: Great Wealth Transfer survey.

One theory is women give more because of our empathic nature. This is an important part of my mission - the need for everyone to have food, housing, education, and support in creating a way to support themselves. When we have more, we give more. If you are looking for organizations doing good work, here are some of my favorite charitable organizations because of their focus on empowerment and education for lifelong change: